Meeting Minutes 2/11/2015

Meeting: VGDC General Meeting
Wednesday February 11, 2015, 7:30pm – 8:30pm
TSU Ontiveros-ABC

  1. Officers and members introduced themselves.
  2. Talked about GDC, we can take up to 8 people, proposals are due by the 24th. More information HERE.
  3. The transition has been a bit rocky so far, but things are coming together.
  4. Blizzard Tour, working in conjunction with the Pencil Mileage Club, can take up to 12 people, will be on April 9th from 2pm to 3pm.
  5. Game Jam, will be 2 weeks after GDC, mid to late march. Room has not been decided yet.
  6. John Burke of Bethesda, formally of Obsidian, and CSUF Alumni, may be coming down on March 2nd, most likely at night.
  7. Intend to have more workshops focused on game design, including the possibility of another Unity workshop, as well as a semester long project we can all work on as a means to learn the software. We’ll likely do a poll on what kind of game we’ll do.
  8. Artists should not be discouraged from being an active member of the club, because we need artists. Most programmers can’t draw!

Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 25th, at 7:30pm in room TuffreeAB of the TSU

4 thoughts on “Meeting Minutes 2/11/2015

  1. Jay Petersen February 15, 2015 / 11:36 pm

    Its good to see that vdgc has a website up. When is the next meeting? I am a BFA animation student at csuf who is proficient in Maya and has worked with Unity, Z Brush before, and enjoys drawing. Would love to be part of any group design projects.


    • csufvideogamedesignclub February 16, 2015 / 3:43 am


      Thank you for your interest. We could always use artists!
      We do not have set meetings yet. The website and calendar will be updated when we do.
      For now, please make sure to join the mailing list:!forum/csuf-vgdc-mailing-list/join
      To get the latest update on where our next meeting will be and at what time.
      Until the ECS Department gives us the ‘okay’ to meet in a weekly ECS room, we will be at the mercy of the TSU meeting room schedules.

      Thank you and feel free to let us know at if you have any further questions or concerns.



  2. Ferdinand Andrew Capitulo February 18, 2015 / 11:42 pm

    Hi. I like the join the club. I’m a composition major at CSUF and the president of FREAKS the boardgame club here as well. Music is my game, and I can also give some insights from the point of view of a board gamer. Let me know when your next club meeting is. Thanks.


    • csufvideogamedesignclub February 19, 2015 / 6:39 am

      Ferdinand? Or Andrew? Hello!

      Thank you for your interest. I think we’ve dropped by your club table before one of the years. We play way too many board game and we should plan on perhaps doing a joint event one day!

      Our next meeting is: Wednesday, February 25th, at 7:30pm in room Tuffree-AB of the TSU
      We do not have set meetings yet. The website and calendar will be updated when we do.
      For now, please make sure to join the
      mailing list:!forum/csuf-vgdc-mailing-list/join
      and our facebook:
      To get the latest update on that mailing list. Until the ECS Department gives us the ‘okay’ to meet in a weekly ECS room, we will be at the mercy of the TSU meeting room schedules (although, so far, it is usually on Wednesday nights at 7:30-ish).

      Thank you and feel free to let us know at if you have any further questions or concerns.



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